I have never liked rhubarb. When I was a child, my mom fed it to me as a punishment for not cleaning my room. Actually, I think she grew some rhubarb in the garden and served it as a side…
Cut edges put back together
When I was in my early 20s, I had the opportunity to travel through Europe with a Eurail Pass. Although we didn’t have a big budget, we made the most of every city and visited some famous churches and cathedrals…
Back in the saddle again
When I was a little girl, I wanted my very own horse. Since this seemed very unlikely, I eventually settled on riding someone else’s horse. So, when I was 7 years old, this dream came true. However, unlike wonderful dreams…
The family that plays together, stays together
Since I got married at 19, I feel like I missed out on a lot of time with my family. It makes me especially sad that my younger sister, born 11 years after me, and I aren’t closer. Our 11-year…
Use it up, wear it out.
I come from a family of seven kids. Because my parents had so many kids, they had to find clever ways to make food, clothing, and everything go farther. My mom made powdered milk, homemade bread from wheat she ground…
Finishing what you started
About 13 years ago, I took an oil painting class from a friend who is a talented painter and sculptor. Every week, a few of us would go to her house and she’d teach us how to paint. She had…
A tribute to Superman
Based on his genetic history, my dad was never expected to live past 65. With this in the back of my mind, I always worried that every time I saw him, it might be the last. Knowing this over the…
Falling in love is hard to do
I’m going to fall in love this year–according to #9 on my List of 50 Things. When I was making my List, I thought long and hard about whether I should add “fall in love”. After all, it takes two…
Facing your fears
Yesterday, I spoke at the Global Women in Tech Conference (online). Even though speaking at a conference is something I’ve wanted to do all my life, it scared me sick. For days leading up to the conference, I couldn’t focus…
Self-conscious bias can be a dream killer
#28 I suffer from self-conscious bias. Enough so, that I almost missed crossing #28 off my List of 50, Fortunately, I had this little thing called a blog to remind me that I really wanted to accomplish #28 this year….